2004 BMシンポジウムプログラム


日・英 同時通訳方式採用

日 時 2004年12月3日(金) 講演会 9:00~17:00 懇親会 17:30~19:30
場 所 東京都荒川区東日暮里5-50-5 「ホテルラングウッド」 TEL 03-3803-1234
総合進行: JABM技術委員長 杉田 典生(戸田工業株式会社)
開会挨拶:9:00 JABM会 長 原田 英樹(HTA代表取締役)

  1. 9:05~9:35 [Current Situation of Ferrite Magnet & Raw Material in EU & US] 仮題
    Terry K.Clagett, Hoosier Magnetics,Inc .IMA Chief Member, Web Magnetics President
  2. 9:35~10:05 [Current Status of Hardferrite Magnets Market & Raw Materials in China]
    張 建良, President, BGRIMM Magnetic Materials&Technology Co.,Ltd.
  3. 10:05~10:35 [Rare Earth Materials Industry in China]
    紅 楓, former Head of Rare Earth Office, State Planning Commission.
  4. 10:35~11:10 [Demand & Supply of Rare Earth Materials for Magnet Applications-
    Precarious Balance]
    Constantine E.Karayannopoulos, Executive Vice President & COO, AMR Technologies Inc.
  5. 11:10~11:40 [Continued Improvements in Rare Earth Alloys for Permanent Magnets]
    David Kennedy,Managing Director, Less Common Metals Ltd.
  6. 11:40~12:10 [日本における希土類磁石原料の状況]
    押谷 寿次, 資材部 部長、株式会社 三徳


  1. 13:00~13:35 [A New Era for the Worldwide Magnet Industry]
    Walter T.Benecki, Magnetic Industry Consultant
  2. 13:35~14:05 [AlNiCo Magnet Industry in China , Application & Developments]
    Joanne Jia/賈 貴元, General Manager,HPMG Hangzhou Permanent Magnet Group
  3. 14:05~14:35 [Development of High Performance NdFeB Magnet]
    王 標, Ph.D. Vice President, YSM Yantai Shougang Magnetic Materials Inc.
  4. 14:35~15:05 [Recent Status of Rare Earth Magnet Industry in China and Global]
    羅 陽, Professor, IEEE TC-15 member.


  1. 15:15~15:50 [The Current Status and Future Outlook
    of Bonded Neodymium Magnet Industry]
    梁 正 泌, Ph.D. Vice President, Sales & Market Development
    Advanced Magnetic Materials Ltd.
  2. 15:50~16:20 [高性能NdFeB磁石の最新動向]
    松浦 裕、副センター長、開発本部 研究開発センター、㈱NEOMAX
  3. 16:20~16:55 [Magnets for Automobile Use over The Past Three Years]
    Jonh G .W. West, Consultant, John G. W. West Consultancy

16:55~17:00 閉会挨拶






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